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Selah is a talented team member  at Timothy Eyrich Photography, where she brings her creative vision and passion for video to every project. With a keen eye for detail, she is an essential part of the team and helps ensure you get amazing behind-the-scenes footage.

meet Selah

One word...PASSION.
When you find your "thing," you know it. You simply have no choice but to follow the inclination or passion. What is my "thing?" I search for the moments in life that we don't want to live without, the emotions that overcome us in unexpected circumstances, the kind of happiness that can produce both laughter and tears.

You want to know the best part? My passion lends itself to experiencing those things over and over and over. I've lost count of all the years I've been in love with photographing people and to let you in on a little secret: weddings are a special favorite of mine. Meeting a newly engaged couple and sharing in the excitement that comes with a new future, working through the details to produce exactly what they envisioned, simply being there to capture the nerves, excitement and happiness of the big day, from beginning to end, is a highlight of my work.

timothy eyrich

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Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality service and stunning wedding photography that will capture our memories forever.

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